The Mark of the Gloomstar is a sign of an aberrant evil, a darkness that is hidden within the shadows of the Netherelm. The Mark foretells the rekindling of an ancient war between the fey courts and a long-forgotten, festering evil. The druids alone understand this insidious Mark all too well—it was by their own hand that the Mark was first created! And now, it has come, to your world. The druids must gather their strength for they alone keep the secrets to defeating the impending doom.
Druids: Secrets of the Primal Circle ™ is a 5e-compatible gaming resource that contains a wealth of new character options and an expansive lore that can spark every player’s imagination and fuel every GM’s creativity. There are enough new subclasses, spells, magic items, monsters, villains, and variant rules within this book to breathe new life into the druid class.
Most importantly, this resource details a new ecology of archenemies for the druids—within the ranks of the Gloomstar Council and Shadow Court. There are deadly adversaries to defeat, mysterious lands to explore, long-forgotten secrets to discover, and enough flavor to make druids one of your favorite classes.
Please, consider following us on Facebook or Kickstarter. The Facebook page has a number of sneek peaks, production updates, and mreo news concerning this great new book!
For more information, visit the Druids: Secrets of the Primal Circle page.
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